Accept BIXB Payments From Any Device, From Anywhere.

Use BIXB all-in-one payment gateway and merchant account to accept crypto payments from all over the world.

Bixbpay Mobile framed image

Empower Your Online Shop!

Simple API Integration

Use BIXBPay to access a decentralized banking system, all delivered via a single API. No need for any prior coding knowledge.

Monitor Your Online Business

Using your BIXBPay Control Panel, you can easily monitor all transactions and a full history of payments through BIXBPay Gateway.

Blockchain-Based Payments

BIXBPay is the most modern and secure payment method for both seller and customer, without any chance of double-spent or fraud.

Low-Cost Transaction Fees

We respect transparency and don't believe in high transaction fees or hidden costs, so there's only a minimum blockchain network fee.

BIXBPay + BIXB POS Integration in Your Store

Bixpay plug-in is a payment method to sell products and services online, accepting Bixbcoin payments. You can also easily connect it to BIXB POS devices, all available by scanning a QR code. It's free for both online shop providers and their customers, while they only need to pay the minimum transaction fee of the Bixbcoin blockchain.

As Simple As A Copy-Paste!

All you need to do is just copy the BIXBPay API and paste it to the Plug-In. A piece of cake! So, let’s step into the modern world of crypto payments and develop your online shop to the next level!

Available in over 200 countries, +10K markets,
compatible with all devices.